Welcome to V7 Academy.
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V7 is an excellent educational resource for canyoneers both new and experienced. [...] I wish I had access to when I was getting started as a canyoneer. Definitely check it out.
Probably the best virtual/non instructor lead learning out there. [...] If you can’t get out and practice, then just log in and learn from the arm chair. 
It is such a great resource for not only developing canyoning skills and knowledge but it is an amazing library/knowledge bank to pop back in to specific subjects and refine your skills.

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Frequently asked questions

What if I buy a module and want to upgrade to a full course?

We provide price rebates equivalent to the module's price for its parent course so you don't pay any markup on the full content. Just sign up to a module and we will send you a coupon

I am a canyoning instructor; can I use your content as resource for my programs?

Absolutely yes. V7 Academy is an online resource where we aim at providing the best resources for both recreational and professional canyoneers. Get in touch with us to discuss partner programs and start making use of our content on your training courses.

How can I choose my courses?

We recommend that you start your learning journey with the free Canyoning Level 1 course and then choose a module to complement your skills.

Do you offer certifications?

We currently only offer certificates of course completion; these certificates don't encompass skills validation or certify you at any level. We recommend that you seek a professional canyoning instructor to validate your knowledge and skills. 
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